Thursday, January 24, 2013

the Vacation

Off we go on a vacation from Beach life....John says its his first holiday in years - have to keep reminding him that his life is a holiday!

South to La Paz – this first picture is taken as we drove over the Sierra de la Giganta (translation = big mountains) the darker blue patch in the V of the mountains is a glimpse of the sea of Cortez looking back toward Peurto Escondido.  

Our first stop is Ciudad Constitucion (la Mission RV park, formerly Manfreds) 10 years later finds it much improved, the new owners have put in much TLC and hard work, everything is looking good. Cervesas by the pool after the day’s drive.

Chili Relleno dinner at the little restaurant by the RV park - probably the best we have ever eaten.
Mucho Bueno
a segment of the 80 kilometer straight stretch! no kidding not a curve or turn in sight

Next stop La Paz - but first lets have a flat tire!  yay!  We were lucky we were at a good spot to pullover and change it - very quick change up (it must be all the practice)

Arrive at Maranatha RV park 11 km north of La Pas (we're told its the best & only one in the area) nice clean, flat parking areas, hot showers, cold pool, laundry, playground etc. and we were greeted by friends from the beach! Bob & Tom (Jackie and Pat were in town shopping)

Our mission for the first afternoon in the city is find a tire dealer and get a spare (2).  third place we were  lucky, now we have 2 on order from San Diego and will be here Friday.  I'll let you know how that turns out.

Day 2 in the city we spent biking the Malacon - not much change in the 10 years since our last visit, it's extended by a few kilometers and fixed up nicely.  

 Lunch stop at an upper deck restaurant - just for the view!

Who's eating whom????
Day 3 (that's today) was a trip to Todos Santos, an artsy, touristy town 50 km south on the pacific coast.   The place we camped 10 years ago is gone!  hotels, condos, construction of what have you going on there - lucky we had the boon docking on the beach experience when we did.  More about that side trip later.

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