Thursday, March 31, 2011

Death Valley

Two days in Death Valley was not nearly enough to see all there is to see, but again two days in the hot, dry, desert was plenty.

The most amazing scenery.

Playing around in the salt flats 282 feet below sea level, the lowest spot in the western hemisphere.

More amazing mountains, rocks, minerals.

Another day in the desert.

Not without trouble!

Well I guess I had better confess to the small trouble on the way north.  Our first day in California, awoke to low cloud and mist - we west coasters call it fog rain!  So off we go toward El Centro - all's well, the cloud is lifting and we are on dry pavement when.............thump, thump, thump, wiggle wiggle wiggle!! what the heck?? pullover to the side of the highway and guess what? Flat tire on the trailer - the only one that we hadn't replaced yet..

The traffic keeps on flying by as we change the tire!

Joshua Tree

We planned a little trip to Joshua Tree National park to take a few more pictures - to replace the ones we lost last year.  This is such a beautiful place almost magical.

So much to see!

Small Joshua Tree in foreground.

Unusual rock formations.

More old memories

I have some mouth watering images of our meals!

Some home cooking at the beach.

 These two are breakfast at Bertha's - huevos ranchero and chilliquillas
This burger was our treat after the last backroad adventure.  After a couple of months of fish and tortillas a good old burger is the best!

 Yummy Mexican plate - Wednesday night special at Bertha's.  Notice the margarita in the background!
Chips and Beer!  anywhere - everyday!

Homeward Bound

Here are a couple of reasons to be headed home!

I have used the US terms for both of the photos above.  Hopefully our dollar is close! and the metric temperature is about 36'. 

Old Stuff, seems like so long ago!

We left the beach on March 21 and it's already March 31 - wow!  Here are a couple of old items.
Pre-dinner happy hour in the orange grove.  The restaurant is Ray's in the valley behind Mulege.

This is the view from the top of the zig zag trail.  Our beach is the one at the top.

Laundry day at the beach.

 Our front yard..............

Hooded Oriole

Northern Mockingbird

My handiwork - this one is a gourd all cleaned, coloured and decorated.
basket weaving in progress.....
and basket weaving end result....lots of fun.

 Quite a variety of activities to keep us amused.  aahhh - the beach life. 

Monday, March 14, 2011

more passtimes

Having the truck washed.

Bird Watching

It is incredible to be able to spend the time watching the birds.  So many colourful and unique looking creatures.  You know the hummingbirds and the herons, this one is the female cardinal (I an still trying to get a picture of the male).  This is our usual morning routine - sitting on the beach with our coffee, looking out to the water for dolphins and turtles, and watching the birds at our plapa and feeder.

hobbies to keep us busy.....

Here is an example of what we do to pass the time.
John taking pictures with his new tripod....a few shells and rocks strategically placed do the trick.

This is Deb's day at the Spa
- A fabulous pedicure from Denisse.  She is also my hairdresser in Mulege.  A very nice treat to my feet after being barefoot in the sand and salt water for such a long time.

An afternoon at a neighboring beach for crafts!  I know it really does look a lot like basket weaving - but - we are saving that for next week!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Back Road Adventure.......again?

Back road adventures again!  Six vehicles started out down to the end of the bay, then across the desert, through the cactus forest, along the water’s edge, where we stopped for lunch and a sea shell hunt – who can find the most, biggest, smallest, prettiest, rarest, shells on the beach.
On the way through the desert.

Along the end of the bay.

The group taking a lunch break.

The road? continues......

The road continues.....

There is so much to see; paintings, flowers, cactus, unique rock formations.

Here we are at the end of the trail (road) – maybe there is a secret passage or a hidden door or some way to get through….