We’ve done some backroad trips, a drive to Lorreto and to Santa Rosalia. I sailed with my friend Chris on his WETA tri? (three hulls) 14 footer and fast and wet…..YEEEHAW!!!! what a rush. We were out in a huge wind and mega waves and tried our damnest to stuff a bow to no avail. The thing just kept flying. This thing even has a furling spinnaker. Might have to trade Plumcrazy. One morning on my way to one of the islands to fish I ran into a mega pod of dolphins. Better than a hundred of them. They were in the middle of a feeding frenzie. They junped out of the water, swam under the inflatable and thoroughly entertained me which is good because there is no sense fishing when they are around. And there were even more Pelicans, Boobies, Seagulls and Frigate Birds scooping up the leftovers. Now, wouldn’t you know it, I was out there with no camera. But my friend Bernadette was there with her video camera and got some awesome footage. If I ever get it I'll share. Today is laundry day and internet day for Juan (me). We have just finished fish tacos at our favourite restaurant, "Doney's".
Now some photos. If you click on a photo you will see an enlargement.
A friend in/on our garden.
Chris's WETA on a calm day?
One of our backroad trips.
The following are some of Deb's bird friends.
Snowy EgretGreat Blue Heron and, yes, that is what you think it is on the rocks.
Pelicans standing in the same stuff.
Oyster Catcher
And the prize photo. A rare shot of a Blue Footed Boobie.
I've seen a few boobies in my day, but never with blue feet.
The Zig Zag trail we hiked up. Awesome view from the top.
Steve and Juan (me) sailing in incredible gusty (upwards of 30 knots)winds. The wind would change direction 180 degrees in a flash every minute
or so. No waves.
Our home for the past fourty-five days.
Deb's garden in the foreground.
Dinner with Steve and Nan at "Pollo Bertha's" walking
distance from the beach.
Young sick sea lion friend of Deb's. Quite emancipated
and did not make it.
A magical Baja moment, sunrise.
And for you cruising friends, the harbour at Santa Rosalia.
Paddling the mangroves in the Rio Santa Barbara.
Nan coming through the slot and yes that is the the same white
stuff on those rocks. A clothes peg might come in handy.
And that's it for this day.
Hastay luego mi amigos,